Here are the lucky winners! Below is a special offer for anyone who entered for our 2010/11 Free Building Give Away!
When I first got the call and I told Richard what we had won he felt the same way I did what was it going to cost us. I kept telling him I had already asked that question and showed him your email. We have never won anything so we were not expecting to get this for nothing. Then when I told him we got to custom choose the color of the outside, trim and shingles he was really excited. The day the building was delivered we were both very happy and excited and very proud to have such a great looking barn in our yard. Thanks again, Richard and Marge Saia
That’s Right we built and Delivered a 12×16 storage Building right into their backyard at no charge.
We realize that you may also still have a storage need and therefore have come up with a special offer just for you. We will custom fit your specific needs and will give you one of the 3 following Deals.
We are doing this for you to make it easier to get into the building that you deserve. Give us a call and we will help you find which is the best deal for you.

However due to the nature of the offer this is only available until Sept 15th.
P.S. Don’t delay. Sept 15th will be here before you know it. Give us a call and we will help you with your specific needs.
I want one to!!! Please run another promotion!!