Imagine the baby Jesus

The angel quickly tried to reassure Mary, “Do not be afraid!” the angel said. “God has found favor with you. You will have a baby boy, and are to give him the name Jesus.”

Imagine the baby Jesus,  in a manger,  while laying cooing, maybe even crying.  Because he was a real child, he did what real babies do, he was an infant although the son of GOD, he was very real. Imagine the baby Jesus and what his birth means for each of us. Truly the saying was never more true, “Jesus is the truest reason for the season!”

We have all seen babies, how cute they are. In fact babies are what I think as being ‘beyond cuteness’, babies take my breath away because they are innocent, helpless, so fragile and beautiful yet so strong.

Imagine the baby Jesus. Although likely, not much different in appearance, he was very different. Because of his birth, we are given the opportunity to live. Imagine Mary holding her child, imagine Joseph holding the precious little man, his little son of GOD,  in his care and keeping.

Enjoy your Christmas holidays with all you share.  May your families be happy, all together with care. Say thank you to the ladies who prepared a great meal,  and may the scriptures being read be meaningful and real.

Merry Christmas from the family of Classic Buildings.

Read more how you can help another child this Christmas.  Classic Buildings has teamed up with the Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association and is raffling a children’s playhouse.  For $10.00 you not only have a chance to win a playhouse, but are donating to a worthy cause. Classic Building’s donated this building, in the spirit of helping children this season.

Please click here for more information