
Meet Kieara – Learn why Classic Buildings appreciates this young lady

Kieara, a beautiful name for a very special addition to Classic Buildings. Her professionalism, with a splash of unique is what makes her so awesome.  She works hard to help customers, fetching phone calls, and or other work, she’s organized and we appreciate her very much.

Kieara’s primary job duties?  Order processor/accounts receivable and receptionist. She handles it with ease and is always available to help with anything ‘extra’.

In her own words,  “I love that every day when I come to work, it feels like I am spending the day with my second family. It doesn’t feel like just a job to me.”
This awesome 20 year old lives with her mother in Jefferson City, MO, and has a cat named Rascal. Her future plans is to move closer to Linn so she can be closer to her work.  We’re proud to call Kieara a team member at Classic Buildings. Please, if you’re a team member, let Kieara know how much she is appreciated.