
February 27, 2016

Senior Living

Senior living in style

Grandparents - get your grand kids moving again, treat them to a gift that will get them outdoors!
Grandparents – get to enjoy living nearby and involved in their grandchildren’s lives.

Senior living, is something on all our minds.  As born planners, we prepare for our future, and the future of our elderly loved ones. On my quest to find housing and storage solutions, I run across really cool ways to use portable buildings.  You might have already figured this out, but backyard buildings are not just for storage.  Tiny homes offer senior living in style, and our parents and seniors deserve it.

Small homes, mini cottages, and cabins, are easy, affordable solutions for aging seniors. We can pamper our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or other senior loved ones, by giving them a comfortable space to live.  Senior living often requires handicapped entrances, accessible rooms, and possibly access to medical professionals and caregivers.

Senior living often requires handicapped entrances, accessible rooms, and possibly access to medical professionals and caregivers.

The best thing about a small space, is the options to add custom features, suited only to the end user.  Designing a home, with senior needs in mind,  requires a bit more thought than designing a small living space for younger persons. loved ones, medical and personal caregivers nearby, but is well worth the investment of time and money. An outbuilding, designed as living space, or a tiny house in the back or side yard, is the perfect custom solution.

How much senior living space do we really require?

A room, not much larger than a bedroom, is all the living space that any of us truly need, right? An outbuilding, designed as living space, or a tiny house in the back or side yard, is the perfect solution for someone on a budget, willing to live in a scaled-down space.

A room, not much larger than a bedroom, is all the living space anyone, really requires. And living in a private space, or building outside of the main house, isn’t so bad.  If you think about it, living outside of the main house, we have our privacy, and access to all the amenities, and the kids and grandkids, inside.  We can use the backyard space, for a small garden, or outdoor retreat, but only pay for a fraction of the cost.

Have you been considering an outdoor space for an elderly loved one?

Outbuildings, designed as living space, or a tiny house in the back or side yard is the perfect good choice if your senior loved one is on a budget.  Older persons, often retire by selling their main home, using the profit or earnings from their sale as living expenses, added to whatever pension they might receive, and live the rest of their life out, on a meager allowance.  A room, not much larger than a bedroom, is all the living space a person has in the main house bedroom, so accommodates one or two people well.

Talk to one of our expert portable buildings specialists in your area, to learn more about purchasing a small living space, tiny house, cottage or cabin

Look at the classic space that Suzy made


Additional reading

MedCottages for MedCottages

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